Welcome to openSpace's News and Updates page. Contributions, reactions, suggestions and comments are welcome. Just click on the article headline and scroll down, the comment form is at the bottom of each article.

Open Space out in the open once again...

December 14, 2009
We are currently working on the free public performance of Kafagway: Sa Saliw ng mga Gangsa at the Rose Garden, Burnham Park. This is tentatively scheduled for December 30, 2009.

Watch for OSP in Print

May 5, 2009
In our mission to explore all artistic possibilities, will soon be venturing into print media with a monthly publication featuring the arts, culture and lifestyle scene in Baguio. This will be a supplement to an established local (Baguio) weekly newspaper. Details will be announced as soon as the co-production with the paper is finalized.
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Under the stars

April 23, 2009
(a repost of an article by KM Altomonte in his column, Out In The Open, in the Cordillera Today, April 19, 2009 issue)

If this paper's editor-in-chief has forgiven this column's month-long absence, this piece will see print under a new column title. "Session Road Blues" is being recalled to serve as the working title of a new theatrical piece that our group, Open Space, is putting together that we hope to unveil later this year.

The reason for my absence here, in a nutshell, is this: four weeks...
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Kafagway: Sa Saliw Ng Mga Gangsa

March 10, 2009
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